Owner Intent to Demolish Notarized Form is REQUIRED to demolish any structure. Existing System Check of Septic System is REQUIRED (Obtain from Health Department). If there is a change in contractor a new Trade Affidavit must be submitted. Each contractor must fill out and submit a Trade Affidavit. Trade Affidavits are submitted with Master Permit which includes various subcontractors.
Use this Application ONLY for Stand-Alone work that is not in conjunction with any existing project. Bulkheads, boat lifts, piers, and any other marine structuresĮlectrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, or Gas Permit - Stand Alone Work Only - Application. Crawlspace Moisture Control/Encapsulation, Foundation Stabilization. Decks, Pole barns and car ports, Lean to, Covered porches. Detached Garage, Storage sheds/buildings, Renovations,. Additions (such as new rooms / sunrooms / Attached Garages),. Use Our Multi-Purpose General Building Permit Application For: Is required for ALL Single Family Dwellings and Accessory Structures. Not required for Trade Building Permits (Stand alone permits for Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Gas). North carolina architect license search download#
If you, as property owner and not as a licensed general contractor, are building your own home, download and fill out Appendix F, Owner Exemption Affidavit ( Required for non-licensed owner builds). Fill Permit is requiredfor Single Family Dwellings and Accessory Structures. Stick Built Home, Modular Home, Manufactured Home and Accessory Dwelling Unit. Use Our Single Family Dwelling Building Permit Application (NEW HOUSING UNITS ONLY) For: ** Per NC General Statute §160D-1110(b) ** No building permits shall be issued unless the plans and specifications are identified by the name and address of the author thereof, and, if the General Statutes of North Carolina require that plans for certain types of work be prepared only by a licensed architect or licensed engineer, no building permit shall be issued unless the plans and specifications bear the North Carolina seal of a licensed architect or of a licensed engineer. Please read this entire page so you don't miss any information which may be required. Housing Units (dwellings) are on their own permit type, Pools are on their own permit type, and Trade Contractor work (Electric, Plumbing, HVAC, etc) is on its own permit type.
Please note that our Multi-Purpose General Building Permit Application is used for most permit types. Instructions: Scroll down this page to find your project's permit type.